Dogecoin: Using cryptocurrency to buy axone, gundruk & more

Gangtok: If you have been surfing the Internet lately, you may have heard of ‘dogecoin’ becoming the “future of currency” and “an unstoppable financial vehicle that’s going to take over the world”.

With Tesla founder Elon Musk tweeting, talking and going live on Saturday Night Live, the spotlight is back on cryptocurrency, particularly dogecoin.

Dogecoin is named after a meme of the Japanese dog breed Shiba Inu and with supporters including Musk, the cryptocurrency has grown over 10 times in the last three months, with its market cap standing at almost $80 billion as of last week.

While we are several global transactions and shipments away from buying our first Tesla with bitcoins or dogecoins, a homegrown digital marketplace has somewhat shown the way for cryptocurrency to enter our lives.

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