HARRIETTE COLE: Wife uninterested in making cryptocurrency investments | Lifestyles

DEAR HARRIETTE: My wife and I have dabbled a bit in the stock market since we have been married. I’m a lot more interested than she is, but we have been making decisions about what to buy together. It was fun during the pandemic, too, because we made some money investing in technology and services that people were using a lot to get by. But now we have hit a wall.

My spouse doesn’t believe in cryptocurrency, but I want to buy some. Should I invest under both of our names or just mine? I wouldn’t want to do it without her, but I also don’t want to go against her wishes by including her in something she doesn’t believe in. — Investor

DEAR INVESTOR: Be transparent with your wife. It’s less about including her name and more about informing her that you want to make an investment in this area even though she isn’t comfortable with it. Tell her of your intentions. Since you are a couple, even if you don’t put her name on something, you can still share the wealth should you reap any.

If she is willing to learn, teach her what you have discovered about the future of cryptocurrency so that she can become familiar with it. Many people are leery of it, in large part because they don’t understand what it is. Essentially, it is a digital form of currency. For a primer, visit medium.com/srmkzilla/abc-of-cryptocurrency-2b3e0ecef16d.

The more your wife learns about this new form of trading, the better she will be at making a decision about investing. If she maintains her lack of interest, so be it. If you intend to invest anyway, do so openly and honestly so that there are no surprises.

DEAR HARRIETTE: My boyfriend of two years told me that he is feeling a little bored in our relationship. He specified that he is not bored with me specifically, but he is bored of what our relationship consists of. My first thought was that we need to break up. I suggested it to him, and he completely declined. I don’t want to break up either, but how else should I handle him being bored in our relationship? — Boyfriend Is Bored

DEAR BOYFRIEND IS BORED: You jumped to conclusions by immediately thinking the worst. Pause for a moment. Consider what your boyfriend is saying. It sounds like he would like to mix things up, add activities and adventures into your life together. After the interminable quarantine, there’s no wonder that he is longing for more. Brainstorm things you can do together. Do a little research near where you live. What sites can you explore together? Now that the weather is warm across the country, look for outdoor activities that you can do together and with friends.

Talk about what other people you would like to welcome into the fold. Host small gatherings, outdoors if possible, with new and old friends.

(Harriette Cole is a lifestylist and founder of DREAMLEAPERS, an initiative to help people access and activate their dreams. You can send questions to askharriette@harriettecole.com or c/o Andrews McMeel Syndication, 1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, MO 64106.)

Harriette Cole is a lifestylist and founder of DREAMLEAPERS, an initiative to help people access and activate their dreams. You can send questions to askharriette@harriettecole.com or c/o Andrews McMeel Syndication, 1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, MO 64106.