Nipsey Hussle invest in cryptocurrency

Nipsey Hussle goes to Amsterdam to check out Followcoin a new start up tech company in the cryptocurrency world. Like, comment, subscribe. Download + …


  1. The cyrpto market has been
    unstable. People ask themselves if
    this is the right time to invest? before jumping into conclusion I think you should take a look at things first.
    Crypto analysts remain divided over the short and medium-term direction of the market, though major investors continue to buy the dip. There's no any reason to panic, as long as you've investing responsibly. Investors who
    bought early are still in profit despite the recent price crash and they also earn by trading. I'm an investor and am winning by applying the same method in every trade, you can also become a winner today. We should follow the way of earning more regardless of the current market (bulls or bears) which is trading. This is the best time to double down and buy more- buy the dip and trade. have made over 16 btc profits not just
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  2. He was truly ahead of his time. He knew what he wanted to do and what he wanted to become. He wanted to make sure kids didn’t get involved in gangs and to show them there were other ways of becoming successful.

  3. Hello, I'm new to Biticon trade and I've been making losses but recently I see a lot of people earning from it. Please can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong

  4. My take is…the only way he was turned on to crypto was because of the value it had on the deep web with buying drugs. If this guy was such a business man, he wouldn't have to piggy back on the whole N.W.A. niche to find his place in the game. No disrespect but this cat is way over rated. How much is he investing now –exactly.

  5. It’s called xrp and iso20022 crypto look it up y’all and buy some of each. We’re heading for a new financial system as we speak we’re going from industrial to tech.

  6. He seemed so chill and friendly, of course he had a dark side but look at this positive energy man. such a waste man…

  7. I'm new to forex and I find it difficult using these strategies well. Where can I find a legit broker? that we manage my account and also teach me how to trade.

  8. Hello friends
    I will like to share with you a unique strategy that'd not only make you lots of profits in bitcoin, but also help you recover all your lost funds in trading for those who had lost so much. For the Biginners and young traders, this Unique strategy would make you massive profits in weeks of trading, Feel free to write me back I will be happy to share with you.

  9. For a complete novice like me Bambi Alex has given me the confidence and understanding regarding transferring currency into bitcoin the into other coins. Also how to go about setting up an offline wallet

  10. he wasn't wrong bro. go back and look at bittcoin's rise. think its like 2019-2020 within a couple months somewhere in there like december it went from 30k a bittcoin to a peak of 68k. absolutely crazy. it doubled.

  11. What lovely guy! Hope nothing will happen to him on an afternoon outside his clothing store on the parking lot!

  12. The economic hardship, recession, unemployment and the lost of job caused by covid-19 pandemic is enough to push people to financial ventures, investing in cryptocurrency now should be in every wise individual lost. In some months now, you will be ecstatic about the decision you made today.

  13. He was ahead of his time why do the greats get murdered and erased how we possibly going to grow and inspire others when they are killing our teachers and nobody wants to force guns away from anybody. I love how he carries himself and wears his gold no matter what. How smart he was he should have known and been smart to never be alone, call your brother or something. Will be a lot of decades until we come across a new Nipsey Hussle & 2Pac. Not a gang member but I fucken loved his knowledge he knew how to put it into clever sentences. Truely a blessings to be able to share I shared the same earth as him. Sad I as a fan won’t ever get a photo with him and have a conversation with him,
    Would fly from Australia, Melbourne if there was ever a opportunity that presented itself to me, very unlikely so stick to painting and get my own place in the next five years maximum.

  14. Most people don't understand the concept
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    prices are down and selling off when the
    price rises just as the current market s
    down. Holding is profitable, although
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  15. Hello, I'm new to forex trade And have been making huge losses but I recently see a lot of people earning from it. Can someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong

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