Breaking down barriers of bitcoin

AKRON, Ohio — An Akron native is sharing his wealth of knowledge about growing wealth online.

What You Need To Know

  • Bitcoin is a type of digital currency
  • De’lante Brady hosts courses on investing in cyber currency and foreign markets
  • Cyber currencies are de-centralized and away from government control

De’lante Brady has appreciated the value of a dollar his entire life.

“Before I was even old enough to work, I was shoveling. I was shoveling snow and raking leaves. I’ve always understood the importance of having money,” he said.

These days, he’s making his cash another way.

“I downloaded it (Coinbase), not knowing what I was doing, just put a couple bucks in there,” Brady said. “And I actually made, you know, some profit.”

He walked away from his job with the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District to analyze and invest in markets, including those for digital currencies like Bitcoin.

“A wise man once told me, ‘If you wanna make sure everything is perfect before you walk away from a 9 to 5, you’ll never do it. Cause nothing will ever be perfect,’” he said.

He said the main selling point for cyber currencies is that they’re decentralized. 

“It isn’t controlled by any one entity,” Brady said. “The buying and selling takes place between the buyer and the seller, which gets away from government control.”

But Brady stressed there’s no way to control financial markets. 

“I’m not a financial advisor,” he said. “This is not investment advice. Trading and investing does involve risk. And if you do get into it, do it at your own risk.”

He’s sharing what he’s learned with others by hosting courses on investment strategies. 

“Being able to pass that knowledge on to other people, it makes me feel like I’m doing something valuable in life,” Brady said. 

The class was created with his 12-year-old son in mind.

“If I was to pass away, I know what’s out there as far as education,” Brady said. “And I know about the predators and the gurus and I wouldn’t want my son to run into that.”

He said his ultimate goal is to share his wealth with others by creating nonprofits focused on helping kids in his hometown of Akron. 

“One, for a financial literacy class or course and then something where kids who get kicked out of the house or are misplaced, they’ll have somewhere to stay,” he said. “Some type of program for that. Cause it’s something that I experienced.”

He also has plans to use his profits to buy land in Africa. 

“I believe that this is one of my callings,” he said. “I’m really passionate about it. I wouldn’t want to be doing anything else than what I’m doing now.”