My First Crypto Mining Rig After Two Weeks!

On this channel I want to show my crypto mining portfolio and track it throughout the years to show its profitability and progress over the years. I will talk about the …


  1. I need to get a kilowatt meter so I can track my power usage accurately and then I will add the power cost and usage to the crypto mining portfolio as well. Hopefully I will have it in a few weeks.

  2. ? Hi, If you need any antminers or GPU (NON LHR). We offer best miners for cryptocurrencies. We have more thank 1000+ happy customer and work with 100+ resellers. MINE FOR THE FUTURE.⛏⛏⛏

  3. I got my cards and antminers at IMINERS,CO and they are great group of people. Cards are cheap, support is insane, shipping is fast and they provide wholesale discount. My recommendation.

  4. Hey, I fell over your channel after bingeing grindhard 🙂 Even though I used to build PC's for music and played with linux, i've not considered mining until I saw your vid, very relatable! Unfortunately GPU's are so daft at the minute, do you think I should wait or get my head around staking in the interim? Any good vid's you would recommend?

  5. haha I'm a musician too. I have the same sound card and sampler. I'm a miner too. and I recently placed a pre-order for a bike su ron)) we seem to be foreign versions of each other) with the world from the Crimea =))

  6. Also I build drones, play music and Im insterested in mining crypto currency lol. Think I found a gold channel . Thanks for this

  7. it all comes down to how much you pay for electricity, a £4000 rig is making where i'm at a grand total of maybe £2/day after electricity which if you think about it it's absolute rubbish so tell these people that before having them spend money on something that will ROI in 25 years

  8. Do you think it's possible to make money with a gaming pc I have sitting right now? At the moment it has an RX 590 but I plan to buy the 3060 or 3070 when it releases.

  9. I appreciate the clarity from a beginner's point of view. I've stayed away from this but as my local small bank is not one I want to have a future with this type of currency has peaked my interest. I am looking forward to your posts. Another way to add income I've heard is to start a Patrion account. Which I've seen on other YouTube channels help as it ad's up. A lot of users will go live and mention donor's channels when/as they donate live.

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