How To Prepare For The Coming Cryptocurrency Bear Market

Grab my free Bitcoin trading course here: In today’s episode, I’m helping you prepare for the coming bear market in …


  1. For anyone wondering, NO I'm not calling a top in bitcoin… I just encourage everyone to have a money management plan, especially when a market goes up 2,000% in 2 years.

  2. OMG, everyone should watch this video NOW IN 2021 NOV as FOMO is about to kick in… we know what is on the other side of a bull market like 2017!!! Thx for making this video 4 yrs ago!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. I have been here for quite a while and it’s safe to say DAVECRACKS can be trusted when it comes to getting things like this , I’m not sure I want to share what he helped me with to the public but take it from me , it came out way better than I was expecting. Very resourceful and confident and trustworthy , I owe a lot to him to be honest

  4. .. ndthe reality is not Jim Cramer or screaming. Its hard reality and everyone soon realize it's in correction. What wud Cramer day then ?

  5. }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}Paramayning is the key advantage of P.R.I.Z.M before the rest of cryptocurrency. In the basic mechanism of Forzhinga, developers was added a unique, linear-retrograde mechanism of determination of the award for storage of funds, aimed at economic attractiveness and gradual substitution of mass of all existing Financial instruments of the world

  6. I'm watching your video now and well, about 5 months after your video the crypto winter started. So good job advising the people, wish I could see your video instead of holding bags haha In any case, what is your opinion about the situation now and what's coming?

  7. Yes, I remember this. Possibilities vs probabilities is hard to calculate when you don't have a method or a plan to trade. HODLing forever is not going to produce consistency.

  8. If you want to short btc in binance do you just put holdings into tether and wait for the drop? How much does tether charge, one to 3%? Thanks and you sure were right!

  9. Bulll markets create wealth. Bear markets create dynasties. For everyone who missed the 2000 dotcom crash, this is the opportunity. Easier to pick loseers in a bear than winners in a bull market

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