Crypto News: Bitcoin Rally, ETH, XMR Delisting, DYM & MORE!!

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  1. Privacy is our right, XMR delisting is showing that there is something scaring those who wants to keep control on us. More reasons to support privacy coins!

  2. Ethereum has to drastically reduce it's fees or it will not survive faster, cheaper coins like Solana and 3k for ethereum sucks when you see where the price of ethereum is now.

  3. CoinBureau must be payed to not talk about real decentralized crypto, Pulsechain, PulseX, and Hex. And it is going to be very big. So please don't try to smear these cryptos. ????

  4. "Something people who live in totalitarian countries understand very well"

    "On a completely different note, Chinese new year started…" Nice hahaha I love the subtle truth digs on your videos.

    I am happy to call out all totalitarian regimes of the world. And I encourage it.

  5. Eth/Btc just wicked into the bolinger band on the monthly, now considering you predicted an Eth rally of possibly 20% recently, and now you're predicting Eth to outperform Btc by 20% IF Eth/Btc goes into the monthly bolinger band, I can only assume you mean a wick would be sufficient? Because a monthly close would fall outside of those 14 days

  6. Nobody seemed disappointed in the comments that we only have Guy in this week's news. ???? been a while since i watched the whole thing. I usually skip the end part when Jessica takes over solely because of the way she talks. Nothing against her but its just that whenever its her turn to speak, i always have to crank the volume up. Her soft voice is already hard to understand as it is, but she has this habit of trailing off whenever she ends her sentence, making it even harder to hear and understand her. Great visual mind you, but anchoring just doesnt suit her imho.

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