Crypto Airdrops for Beginners [Earn $$$$ in 2024]

This video will give you a quick, concise, beginner guide on how to start qualify for crypto airdrops in 2024. Here are some other …


  1. You forgot to mention that with Linea you can’t have multiple wallets to be eligible for the airdrop as the system has POH Proof of Humanity.

  2. I have two Cosmos wallets and accidentally bridged atom from one of the wallets to kujira on the other wallet (meant to just keep it on the same wallet). Now that those two wallets have "touched" should I just abandon them both and start over? I had been using them for around a month prior to that.

  3. Thank you very much for your videos – can I ask,in preparation for the Eigenlayer Restaking window where should I stake some Eth? Swell or Mantle or would you recommend another? Thanks again

  4. To be really honest, I find farming with multiple wallet ridiculous.
    I know people who are doing everything with bots on many different wallets.
    For me, Im just sticking to q1wallet per chain to not abuse the system.

  5. Great video, I wish I would have watched a video like yours a couple of months ago when I first started trying for airdrops. My advice to other newbies like myself, is to keep good notes on what you do (staking, restaking, how much $ , dates, etc) as it's easy to get confused. I have the problem with Marinade/Kamino/Drift transactions and not sure even how to unstake them etc. Might make for a good future video

  6. Thanks man???? I’m going kamino drift Marginfi wormhole ……but thanks to you kinda eyeing for Zeta Phoenix solblaze and meteora…..hope it’ll workout I put so much money cuz didn’t do a strategy and it’s all mess but now little by little start organizing everything but like you said I didn’t cross wallet at list ????????????thanks for being very helpful you got yourself a regular viewer and like ???????? as always ????

  7. Brilliant information Happy you touched on wallet management, I am part of a team and if you would like a AMA with our community, Crypto Phil passive income, we are a well established community that has been around for years, give me a shout.

  8. Outstanding channel bro! I've started farming with TIA with 11 wallets. All of them at separate google account, new seeds but I just have one PC and one centralized exchange account. You think it should be allright?

  9. ​@kryptocove Just because you're one of my 2 favourite airdrop hunters I'll share what I've found recently. Ether Fi has made a post stating that everyone who follows them on DeBank by Jan 24th will get a badge worth 1k points.

  10. Damn so many wallets and have time to produce all this videos on YouTube. Do you sleep? I have one wallet, been farming like full time now for a month. I’m sad I didn’t get in earlier but hopefully I will get something this year. Thanks for all content you are delivering ????

  11. sorry for the stupid question but I'm a newbie here. For new wallet do you mean:
    1. completely new one, with specific seed phrase?
    2. a new account on the old one? so, same seed phrase but different addresses?
    thanks a lot for the help

  12. Good info, have been farming for a couple years… The one tip I didn't understand is when using two wallets to not transfer money/ ETH between them. Why not? I do that all the time to be able to push volume.

  13. hey brother … i am farming the tia airdrop from different wallets but i transferred some fund from one to the other .. that means i will not qualify ???? please clarify

  14. hey mate, really helpful video. Would you mind please explaining what is the benefit of using multiple wallets? Why can you not for example carry out all of your farming from a single wallet, e.g. a single TrustWallet or Keplr wallet

  15. Awesome bro! you are like a machine cranking out these airdrop videos lol. ps : Saw TonCoin on the inforgraphic, was wondering if this is a legit project?

  16. Hey mate. Love your channel. I had a question. I am doing all I can to increase my activity on scroll chain and zksync chain for their airdrops. Does stanlecoin swaps using these chains count as activity and increase my chances for airdrop?

  17. Sir i have a question im farming airdrops like wormhole mayan finance etc and im using phantom wallet amd metamask sending funds from phantom to mm then from mm to phantom wallet in both wallets my transaction volume increasing if i get eligible for both wallets do my accounts consider sybil? Please tell me about this thanks.

    And please make a practical video in which you show us how we can use multiple wallets tips and tricks.Thanks

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