How to Make Money with Crypto DeFi for Beginners

How to make money with crypto DeFi – DeFi tutorial for beginners MoneyZG Crypto Course: Trade on …


  1. Currently I'm building my portfolio to get a passive income through crypto. Mainly the MDB token Make DeFi Better. A very Lucrative project. Very happy with it in this bearmarket.

  2. Hmm so watching now Sep 2022, the binance coin is down to 268 instead of up to 700 or maybe I'm looking wrong. Funny! This video was very informative. Thank you!

  3. can it work in your favour also if the coins go up????????? like what if you provide liquidity to say ada, i think its gonna go up in value in future ,,,,do you gain permanent gain also if coins go up??? maybe i just cracked the code bro haha

  4. also when you stake or provide liquidity what if you wanna make money per month is it still worth it or only fo rlonger term investing, i wanna make money to run m ystudio per month not per year so is day trading hoping to catch the right coins abetter strategy easier to move them around as coins shift in popularity….. or for biger ammounts just put it in stable coin pools probly smartest but im small time i need cash faster lol any ideas

  5. so if you take it out whn prices go down you risk impermanent lose, but can you jus tleave it in till the coins pump again or is it that over a year the impermanent loss kinda builds up over the year as it fluxuates??

  6. Have I got this right.. impermanent loss is if the price goes down? If the price goes up then what?

    Aren’t we at risk of this anyway by holding any coin?

  7. <I appreciate you and your content, Technical Analysis is good but I find It truly confounding that major crypto youtubers just look mostly at pure T.A. and completely ignore the bigger narrative of why BTC pumps/pumped and why the future outlook will be even rosier than it seems. It's kind of irresponsible to ignore the fact that each ETF launch so far has caused a major dump at the peaks of BTC but recently seeing nice upside move. We were already on shaky footing with historically low volume and almost pure whale pumps, narrowly avoiding a long-term bear market. More emphasis should be put into day trading as it is less affected by the unpredictable nature of the market. I’ve been day trading crypto for 2 months with David Walter daily signals and insights and was able to make 17 BTC as profit from my initial 8 BTC..

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