Why Bitcoin is Going to ZERO – The HIDDEN THREAT to Cryptocurrency.

Ex-Google Techlead on the hidden threat to Bitcoin: stablecoins. Following the data and where the “big money” is moving like Facebook’s Diem digital currency …


  1. The only part of your argument that I have an issue with is that you say that bitcoin is fully decentralized and the data is not accessible to any single person. This point doesn't make sense as the consensus algorithm forces all validators of the data to have a replica copy of the data. Only when the data is validated can a new block be added to the blockchain and the longest chain wins out of this consensus algorithm. So the data is not decentralized and its really there is a copy that exists as a mesh network each validating each other of their copy. So a single entity can compute a lot of market data analytics etc with bitcoin (albeit with competing forces that try to obfuscate their transactions by using millions of wallets, mixers, different coins, etc).

  2. The reason this could be true is that people are not really responsible and accountable and they always look for a scapegoat to guarantee something and comfort them which has been government since ages. It’s hard for people to trust and understand a system and rely this much on it.

  3. The deadly outbreak of Covid_19 is out again, it has been hitting so hard this time, and has really damaged a lot of people's sources of income, but still lot of persons are still making good money and I'm in search of success

  4. you're saying bitcoin will fail because of countries trying to control or outmaneuver it. the reason this won't stifle bitcoin's adoption by the masses it because IT IS DECENTRALIZED. one of the main reasons why it's used is because no one governs it; it governs itself. what would be the purpose of creating a japanese e coin if there is no different from the yen?

    moreover, there are some aspects i believe you missed:
    1. bitcoin's first layer cannot be changed, that's why innovations and adapations will be applied on the second layer, creating a improvements through consensus
    2. the fees and the costs will be lowered through add-ons to the second layer. lightning network and taproot will both be adopted during 2021 and will revolutionize bitcoin. hell, lightning network is already useable. download blue wallet.
    3. the anonymity that bitcoin provides cannot be matched by any governed or centralized coin.

    bitcoin is not only a currency, it's a revolution.

  5. The argument for tech and gov using native CFi crypto currencies to increase tracking and surveillance is robust. This is only a step towards the singularity tho.

  6. Central Bank digital currencies aren't crypto so how are they a threat? They are just digital fiat essentially. Bitcoin can be tracked anyway. Privacy coins are the future

  7. "Bitcoin is anonymous no one knows what's going on"

    Wow you clearly have no knowledge of how bitcoin works…. bitcoin is the most transparent data on the planet…

    And it always amazes me how some people don't see the difference between an authoritarian spy like and censorship currency compared to the freedom economicly liberting decentralised currency like bitcoin.

    We have seen so many examples of governments failing at stopping bitcoin… if bitcoin could be stopped it would have happened by now. Instead it's getting stronger and stronger with more powerful groups backing it as bitcoin protect then against the inflation caused by fiat currency which is easily manipulated. If we could actually trust our politicians to not inflate away our purchasing power than we wouldn't need bitcoin

  8. Fiat currencies go to zero as goverment keep printing.
    Bitcoin has a fixed supply and it's value in fiat currency will keep rising as has been the case since it's innception.

  9. I have managed money and I lived on edge I never wanted anyone to know I had access to cash
    so whats stops people from just taking your digital wallet. sounds like the begging of old school wild west robbery

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