How to Trade Cryptocurrency on Kraken Exchange – Kraken Trading Tutorial

Kraken trading tutorial – ho to trade cryptocurrency on Kraken exchange, how to choose cryptocurrency pairs, crypto charts, trading crypto, order book and …


  1. < Amazing content! < ? Not to sound pessimistic but, did you know that over 75% of us rookie traders lose all their money in the market $? It’s not the late night YT videos, or the PDFs, the market is just so volatile that it requires some certain level of expertise, without it you’ll ultimately loose out at the end of the day. I’m not saying be a quitter, you don’t have to be. All I’m saying is firstly, secure your finances. Tap into the secret power of investing that only the rich understand. I’m currently investing and earning from a firm (own by Mathew Nicholls) that I also came across on this same platform <. "He is a pro trader"…..who runs a training program for investors/newbies who lack understanding on how trading Bitcoin works. he fully monitored all my trades to avoid me making mistakes and losing my money. My earnings have increased drastically from 9₿tc from 2.6₿tc in 7ωeeks. To get connected, contact him on TE LE G RAM < [Mathewnicholls] < Tell him I referred you for a quicker response.

  2. Thanks great tutorial. I do want to ask tho about fees. I've got a buy order in, entered the max amount USDT funds for ADA purchase. It asks which currency the fees to come off. Selected USDT. Once the order is filled does it take it off my balance or do I have to have additional USDT in my account to cover the fees?

  3. Thanks for info on the order types. I would love to see more details on "take profit on margin positions" (with actual small positions would be amazing), as i am growing tired of being tied to my pc all day and night. I really need to master this stuff as my bank is counting on me to keep adding funds from time to time lol. You appear to be just the guy to help my on my quest. Cheerio!

  4. Fantastic! Exactly the Information I was looking for. I'm a FOREX Trader so this is very good for beginners and basically it's a walk in the park for me. I was looking especially for a Cryptocurrencies Trading Platform that allows for shorting or (selling) when the market or coins is headed downward. Ans also one that downstate a Dealing Desk where these freaking thieves tarfe against you. That was rhe main problem with Firez many years ago until they got caught and fine in the multimillions. But, when it comes to money Thieves comes in may shapes, ages, and forms. Unlike CoinbasePro,a trader can only buy or trade when the market is going up. I like to be able to take the opportunity to go short or long with any coins what the chart is showing me. So, Thank You for this Video. ??????

  5. Why didn't you go over the "Leverage" part???
    Is it a secret or something???
    You should have went over it, just in case an investor wants to use it… INSTEAD OF JUST SKIPPING OVER IT ALL TOGETHER and acting like it is not there.

    A lot of investors chose Kraken due to leverage.

  6. when using the fibonnacci chart….when starting at the top of the trend…is there a certain bottom of the trend on the chart you should use? for example, if we start t the top of the hour on a 1 hour chart…what bottom trend would i use the fibonacci chart tool on?

  7. I've recently transitioned over to Kraken. I have a decent amount of BTC, or XBT as they call it. I have a question about buying into the PAXG/BTC pair. Do I need to sell XBT to get dollars to buy into PAXG/BTC with leverage?

  8. Great video, I live in the UK on kraken I trade bitcoin to euros and back would it be better to trade US dollars to bitcoin and back or used Tether to bring down the fees?

  9. AWESOME VIDEO! Thank you! maybe you could make a video with risk management/leveraging? Im starting to do trades but I don't want to wake up the next day and owe over 10k ?

  10. Dude, you make excellent reviews, thx!

    Please, share your opinion about Crop Finance, new democratic system for yield staking. I think it can be profitable and they are going to make ICO soon, is it cool solution to take participate in it?

  11. Best introduction for beginners! Btw should we start trading and look at USD values by default or switch to pounds or euro? What's best?

  12. Maybe a stupid question, but can you add more than 2 parameters (limit order + stop loss + take profit) for one trade? Or is it only the main order and just one conditional close?

  13. Kraken doesn't even has a tutorial like this, the exchange is fine but the documentation for beginners is rather poor. Thanks Mate, looking forward to watch some more videos of you, videos.

  14. I transferred Ripple coins from Binance to Kraken…but I can only see the shares and no associated USD balance in the app. I can see the associated balance just fine via web. Any idea why this is? Thanks

  15. That was really helpful , thanks a lot. I've started using Kraken a couple days ago and that terminal gave me headaches. I now feel comfortable using it ! Thanks again

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